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Westlands Community Primary School

SEND Information

At Westlands our pupils learn in an inclusive environment which offers to meet the needs of all pupils and their families, including those with special educational needs. The staff are passionate about all children having a positive school experience. We have a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their special educational needs, should be offered inclusive and adaptive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school.

Working closely with parents, governors, and the wider community we provide a caring secure and happy environment where every child matters and where all children will be nurtured and guided to develop their aspirations to become lifelong learners.

The range of support the school can offer is tailored to individual’s needs and supported by thorough assessments by internal and/ or external agencies.

School works closely with a range of professionals and organisations for specific needs including;

For further information about the schools offer please see below or contact the school office.

Thank you, The SEND Team

SENCo – Sophie Hale

SEND Family Support Worker – Maxine Chambers


Provide children and family services.co.uk

