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Westlands Community Primary School

Governors' Page


Revd Stephanie Gillingham - Chair of Governors

Hello, I am Reverend Stephanie, Rector to Widford Parish. I have been here at Westlands for 12 years and have always been involved with our school as well as other local schools. Prior to becoming a Rector, I worked as a teacher for 21 years specialising with deaf children and later all children with a sensory loss.

Currently, I am Rector to Church of the Holy Spirit and Saint Mary's church, Chaplain to Chelmsford College, and lead minister to deaf and deafblind people living in the Diocese of Chelmsford. I am married with two children and two grandchildren, love swimming, sewing, singing and walking.

Mr Chris Rosier

My children were Westlands School pupils many years ago and I've been associated with the school all that time, much of it as a member of the Governing Body. A great deal has changed but one thing remains the same, in making decisions the children always come first. 
It's a pleasure and an education to participate as a critical friend of the school and as a member of a Governing Body which brings a wide variety of knowledge and experience to the table. 

Dr Jennie Lardge

I joined the Governing Body in December 2017 as the Local Authority governor. Since then, two of my children have joined Westlands, so I have both a governor and parent perspective on the school. 

I am a secondary school science teacher, specialising in physics, and was also elected to Chelmsford City Council in 2019 as a representative for the Waterhouse Farm ward (in which Westlands is situated). 

 Mr Andy Higgs

As a former student and father of a son who attended the school and daughter who attends the school, I have a strong connection to Westlands Community Primary School and my role as parent governor allows me to have an input into how the school continues to achieve its aims.

I’m a STEM Ambassador (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), promoting these subjects country-wide and I’ve previously carried out STEM presentations at the school.

I am also an Education Ambassador for the Bloodhound Education project – an organisation that aims to use the next British Land Speed Record challenger to inspire a generation of new scientists and engineers.

In my professional life as a project manager, I work to supply complex software solutions to government and emergency services organisations, interacting and communicating successfully with people at all levels.

 Mr David Hutton

I joined the governing body as a parent governor in 2023. Both of my children currently attend Westlands and I continue to be impressed by the high-quality teaching and the broad curriculum that the school offers. Previously, I was a primary teacher, teaching across all key stages in schools throughout London and Essex. Since 2019, I have been working as a civil servant in the Department for Education. I aim to utilise my experience and skills from the education sector to support Westlands in its continuous growth and development.

Mrs Karen Cooney

I have been a parent governor since May 2021.  This year, I am Vice Chair of Governors and the governor responsible for Attendance.

I have two daughters attending the school and I have been very impressed with the quality of the teaching and the enthusiasm of the staff. I took on the role of governor as I am keen to be involved in striving to continually improve the school’s offer.

Mrs Melanie Gaskin

I am proud to have been the Headteacher at Westlands for over seven years now and was Headteacher at a school in Basildon prior to this.  In my first headship, I was delighted to work with the team to move the school from Requiring Improvement to Outstanding in just two years and I was equally delighted with the our last inspection here at Westlands (2019) which graded us as Good in all areas and Outstanding in Early Years.  The excitement and sense of reward in working as part of a dynamic team and seeing a school move from strength to strength for the benefit of the children makes my job the very best!  I have been teaching for twenty-five years and I am as passionate about education today as I was in my first year.

Mr Jacques Bottjer

My name is Jacques Bottjer. I am the headteacher of a one form entry, church school in Basildon. I have over twelve years teaching experience and a passion for education. I have previously served as a member of a governing body for a small arts charity and, for a time, owned and managed my own company offering teacher training and specialist workshops concerning the teaching of poetry to schools across the country. I previously specialised in the teaching of English, in particular writing at a primary level.  I have recently completed my NPQH and CCRS qualifications. I am the father of a primary aged child and live with my family in Basildon, Essex.  I am the governor responsible for SEND.

Mr Terry Flitman (Associate Member)

I was Headteacher at Junior and Primary schools in Essex for 20 years, retiring from headship at the end of 2019.  I now work as a school advisor supporting schools across the county. 

Miss Anna Wadsworth  

I am the Deputy Head at Westlands and have been so for five years, after joining the school over ten years ago as an Early Years teacher.  Over this time, I have had the privilege of working with many teachers and children and have seen the school grow and develop in many different ways.  I have led different areas and phases of the school and this year, I have taken up the role of Assessment Lead and Key Stage 1 Phase Leader, along with Co-opted Governor.  We have a very dedicated staff at Westlands, and children that are full of enthusiasm and have a love for learning, which makes every day of my work so rewarding.

 Mrs Ami Corrigan

I joined the governors as a parent governor seven years ago when I had two children at the school.  I am now a co-opted governor.  I am currently the governor responsible for finance, and have very much enjoyed watching Westlands grow and develop into the successful school it now is.  In my professional life I work for the civil service and I am lucky to be able to use these skills and experiences to support Westlands.

Mr Rob Walls

I joined the governing body as a parent governor in November 2022. I was born and raised in Chelmsford and live locally, and one of my children is a pupil at Westlands. I am the governor responsible for Safeguarding.

Since 2012 I have been a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Service, working in a range of roles across different areas of London.

Prior to joining the police I worked for a number of youth charities in support of young people across the South East of England, including The Prince’s Trust and Catch22.

Miss Hannah Leary

I joined the Governing Body in September 2024 as Staff Governor. I am proud to be Year Group Leader in Year 2. I have worked at Westlands for three years and prior to this, worked at a one form entry Catholic school giving me experience in different types of settings. Overall, I have been teaching for over five years. I was drawn to Westlands because of the high-quality teaching practices I witnessed whilst visiting and knew that the school's ethos aligned with my own. I have very much enjoyed my time here at Westlands so far and look forward to continuing my journey.