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Westlands Community Primary School

Governing Body

Governing Body 2024-2025

Our governors are:

Revd Stephanie Gillingham - Co-opted Governor and Chair of Governors

Mrs Karen Cooney - Parent Governor, Vice Chair of Governors and Attendance Governor

Mr Chris Rosier - Co-opted Governor and Training Link Governor

Mrs Ami Corrigan - Co-opted Governor and Finance Governor

Dr Jennie Lardge - Local Authority Governor and Health & Safety Governor

Mr Jaques Bottjer - Co-opted Governor and SEND Governor

Mr Andy Higgs - Parent Governor and GDPR Governor

Mr Rob Walls - Parent Governor and Safeguarding Governor

Miss Anna Wadsworth- Co-opted Governor

Miss Hannah Leary - Staff Governor

Mr Terry Flitman - Associate Member

Mrs Melanie Gaskin - Headteacher (ex-officio)

Mrs M Cox - Clerk to the Governors